International Societies
The International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)

American Physiological Society (APS, USA)

The Physiological Society (TPS, UK)

Sociedad Española de Ciencias Fisiológicas (SECF, España)

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME, USA) via the Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy (JESMDT)

Latin American Societies of Physiology: Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Uruguay, Haití, Argentina, Perú, Chile, plus affiliated societies from Venezuela and Ecuador.



Scientific Journals
Curr Vasc Pharmacol (CVP), IF 2.672 (Bentham Science) – Designated as Affiliated Journal to ALACF from Nov 2020-Nov 2022

Mol Aspects Med (JMAM), IF 9.577 (Elsevier)

BBA Molecular Basis of Disease (BBADIS), IF 4.352 (Elsevier)

BBA General Subjects (BBAGEN), IF 3.422 (Elsevier)

BBA Reviews on Cancer (BBCAN), IF 7.365 (Elsevier)

Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy (JESMDT), IF tba (ASME)

Physiological Mini Reviews (PMR), IF tba – Official journal of ALACF
